On Buddha and Shankara
This is a 6-part series I'd put together [...]
This is a 6-part series I'd put together [...]
This is Part 5 of the Buddha and Shankara series. Links [...]
This is Part 5 of the Buddha and [...]
Well-known spiritual leaders of our time are renunciates, and still posit moksha and mukti as the goal. If we simply ask "how did this happen?" we come to recognize how profoundly Shankara and Buddha's thought have influenced India.
This is part 3 of the Buddha and Shankara series, and focuses on an article by Nolini Kanta Gupta titled "Buddhism and Hinduism".
Part of the Buddha and Shankara series. Examines pre-Buddhistic Hinduism vs post-Buddhistic Hinduism and how later Indian spirituality: accepted & combined Buddha + Shankara.
The Age of Epics has as its Grand [...]